Friday, February 15, 2008

Yet another post about tenure track

The semester seemed to slam into full tilt pretty quickly--with the weather problems and a nasty couple of nights with a head cold (I'm now in the cool, after glow of illness where my voice sounds like the Master Control Program from Tron) I find myself in the crush of work usually reserved for the weeks just prior to exams.

One of the things I'm trying to do is serve on a search committee to get an idea of what I may be in for. Obviously, I can't blog much about the experience (esp. while in the midst of it) but I hope to be able to bring some better insights to the fledgling group that exists in my brain (we are happy there, we have peace, we are one with Landru).

In other news, I did manage to get my hands on some materials promised at AWP and they're pretty eye-opening--do more readings folks. I also spoke to a few other MFAers about the group and there seems to be some interest out there.

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