Sunday, February 10, 2008

Prong Two: Publication

I don't have a whole heck of a lot to say about this--I think there's already work being done here in the program, so I'm not sure we need to concern ourselves with this. Nevertheless, are there areas that we can help with--should we maintain separate files on things like contests, entry requirements or, most interesting to myself, agent contact info?

The question of agents surfaced in the Novel Workshop class, which hadn't been offered in a while, but I'd like to revisit it again. I don't want to step on toes--I think we're moving the right way. That is, I don't feel like my needs aren't being met in this regard (especially since my book is a total mess that makes me feel guilty about even thinking about any of this stuff) but is there more to be done?

I don't really know as much about this and, frankly, publication feels more slippery to me than teaching--a lot depends on what you've written, of course. But a lot also hinges on contacts, and I wonder if this little tenure-track group should concern itself with this at all--especially since we have alumni in the publishing industry!

I think three people (one is me when I proofread the entries!) actually read this blog, so there may not be much use in asking these questions, but perhaps this blog can become a touchstone for this nascent group...


Kinetic Prose said...

ha ha...i am one of those three people :)

Rose said...

I read too!

Scott. said...

Well, that's three...

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

Scott, I guess I'm reader number four! Anyway, I've found what you've had to say about this stuff really interesting...