Friday, February 15, 2008


go over to Rose's blog and wish her well. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Okay, so I consider myself to be pretty lucky, having good health insurance and all, but it's pretty crazy to hear this story of the woe of the insured. Antibiotics, of course, are overprescribed and I think Rose is right to be concerned about being on lots of different antibiotics in a month's span, especially when it sounds like she just wants enough relief to sleep (not some magical cure that probably doesn't exist!). Paying through the nose to wait in a crowded and uncomfortable facility to see someone who isn't a doctor and is probably overworked is supposed to be why we don't want nationalized medicine. Most people who are lucky enough to have insurance have that now! The "system" we have now is awful and broken!

Whew--sorry about that. I find the rest of Rose's blog to be a nice antidote to mine (which feels like a boring notebook sometimes). I like the snips of remembered dialogue especially.

Rose--I tend to mistrust most drugs and medicines (made it tough to make friends in college) but when you're that sick, you've earned the right to a little codine....

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